Rest & Restore

This gentle class will use a variety props to fully support the practitioner in relaxing the muscles, slowing down the minds activity, shifting thought patterns, bringing ease to the breath, and tuning into the nervous system. Poses may be held for 5-20 minutes. Leave this class feeling well balanced and ready for rest.

Deep Stretch

Deep stretch class will help take strain off of your skeletal structure. Flowing through poses slowly and emphasizing each muscle group engaged, will allow yogis to become more aware and mindful of their movements.


This class assists in building strength.

Vinyasa is the stringing together of poses to create fluid movement. Connecting movements while controlling the breath. Vinyasa flow will challenge you with spinal movements, standing sequences, balance poses, core engagement, and ending in stillness.

This class moves at a quicker pace, and is crafted daily by our talented teachers.

Gentle Yoga

Gentle yoga will include movements done at a slower pace and breathing exercises. These classes will challenge you mentally, while allowing you to connect to your physical self. Gentle yoga may have longer holds in each posture, and rest between postures.

Slow Flow Vinyasa

This is a slower paced, dynamic vinyasa class, built with longer holds in each pose to target smaller muscle groups. This class will allow you the time to truly arrive in each pose before moving on. Let yourself slow down and enjoy the practice.


This class is a combination of Vinyasa & Yin.

This class combines a moderately paced vinyasa flow and deep, slow, integrative yin poses. Yin poses range in length of holds from 1-10 minutes per posture, dependent on the focus area of the body. Yin poses target connective fascia and ligaments, not muscles as we do in other forms of practice. This class is the perfect compliment to your more vigorous practices or activities.

Come and deepen your own understanding of your body's limits in this well balanced combination class!


Develop a deeper connection to stillness.

Yin poses range in length of holds from 1-10 minutes per posture, dependent on the focus area of the body. Yin poses target the connective fascia and ligaments in the body, not muscles as we do in other forms of practice.

Enjoy this slower paced class to reduce stress and bring balance and harmony to the body.

Happy Hips & Hamstrings

Life on the Western Slope gives us tons of time to enjoy the outdoors! This class will compliment your active lifestyle wonderfully. With focus on hips, hamstrings, low back, and breathing techniques, you are sure to leave feeling lighter and ready to enjoy all of your favorite outdoor activities.

Beginner Yoga

We all start somewhere! This class is a fantastic starting point. We will go over foundational poses and safe alignment. This is a slower paced class, and there will be clear, step-by-step instruction. Come join us and see what it’s all about!

Take A Seat

This is a gentle class where all postures are performed seated in a chair, or with aid from a chair. This class will include various types of spinal movements, breathing exercises, forward folds, and arm and core strengthening. This class will promote focus and relaxation.

This class is particularly aimed to assist those with balance issues or anyone who has trouble getting getting to and from the floor.

Fire Flow

This is a fast paced class that links intentional breath and movement. These flows tie sun salutations, various asanas (physical postures), and pranayama (breath work) together to move energy in the body, build heat, and amplify the awareness in mind, body and spirit.

This energetic, upbeat vinyasa flow will challenge the body and the mind while building strength and confidence, designed for every BODY.

Not sure where to start?

Want to deepen your practice?

Reach out to schedule a private session. Private sessions run 60 minutes, and cost $60 per session.

Please share in the email if you have a particular teacher you would like to train with!